
  • boolean
    • true or false
  • relational operators
    • mathematical relationship between two variables
    • a = b
    • a > b
  • logical operators
    • not (opposite of whatever the data is)
    • and (evaluate two conditions together and determine if both conditions are met)
    • or (function only looks to see if one of the conditions is met wthen will)
  • conditionals
    • selection: specific block of coce that will execute depending on the algorithm condition returning true or false
    • algorithm: finite set of instructions that accomplish a specific task
    • conditional statement/if-statement: statement that affects the sequence of control by executing certain statments depending on the value of a boolean
  • nested conditionals
    • consists of conditional statements within conditional statements
    • one inside the other
    • can have three different conditions


Lesson 3.5

  • Explain in your own words what each logical operator does:
    • not: output is the opposite of the input given (ex. given true then NOT would display false)
    • and: putting two conditions together and seeing if the input meets both conditions (ex. the number 24 must be less than 70 but greater than 20, this would be true)
    • or: only checks to see if one of the given conditions are met for the input (ex. if money is less than 0 or age is greater than 25 then -1 would end game)
  • Code your own scenario that makes sense for each logical operator
isSunny = False
result = not(isSunny)
print(result) # will print true bc opposite of false with not in result

age = 25
height = 5
if age <= 30 and height >= 4:
    print("You may proceed.") # needs to meet both requirements of age and height

age = 20
money = 100
if age >= 18 or money <= 500:
    print("You are eligable.")

You may proceed.

You are eligable.

Lesson 3.6

  • 1 point for defining all key terms in your own words
    • selection: depending on the conditiion using true or false, select a block of code to execute
    • algorithm: a block of code that is like instrucutions to complete a task
    • conditional statment/if-statment: code that makes decisions of how code is executed based on the if the condition given is true or false
  • 1 point for each challenge that your program or pair program
    • challenge 1:
inputstring = input("Type any sentence.")
def vowel(inputstring): # define function
    count = 0
    for char in inputstring:
        if char == "a" or char == "e" or char == "i" or char == "o" or char == "u":
            count = count + 1

vowel(inputstring) # call function

input "hey my name is claire", output showing the number of vowels in the sentence.

Lesson 3.7

  • create 3 different flow charts representing nested statements and transfer them into code
  1. flowchart1
age1 = input("Enter an age.")
age2 = input("Enter an age.")
if age1 == age2:
    if age1 < age2:
        print(age1 + " is less than " + age2)
    elif age1 > age2:
        print(age1 + " is greater than " + age2)

34 is greater than 12
  1. flowchart2
houseLocation = "san diego"
housePrice = 1000000
location = input("Where is the house you are looking at located?")
price = input("How much is the house?")
if houseLocation == location:
    if housePrice > int(price):
        print("Purchase House")
        print("Not within budget")

    if housePrice > int(price)/3:
        print("Purchase House")
        print("Not within budget or in right location")

Not within budget
  1. flowchart3
testScore = input("What did you score on this test?")
if int(testScore) >= 70:
    if int(testScore) >= 85:
        print("Great Job! You passed with an amazing score.")
        print("Good Job! You passed.")
    print("You did not pass.")

Great Job! You passed with an amazing score.
  • create a piece of code that displays four statements instead of three
sleep = input("How many hours of sleep did you get last night?")
if int(sleep) >= 7:
    if int(sleep) >= 9:
        print("Wow! That is an amazing amount of sleep.")
        print("Nice! That is a good amount of sleep.")
    if int(sleep) <= 4:
        print("Oh no, that is not enough sleep.")
        print("Okay, that is an average amount of sleep.")
Oh no, that is not enough sleep.
  • make piece of code that gives three different recommandations for possible classes to take at a school based on two different condtions. these conditions could be if the student likes STEM or not.
stem = input("Do you enjoy taking STEM classes?")
if stem == "yes":
    listYes = ["AP Calc AB", "APCSP", "AP Biology", "Engineering"]
    print("Great! You should take:", listYes)
    listNo = ["APEL", "APUSH", "AP Lit", "AP Art"]
    print("Okay! You should take:", listNo)
Okay! You should take: ['APEL', 'APUSH', 'AP Lit', 'AP Art']